Notes for Village Hall hirers
Feb 4th, 2025 by Web Master
Notes for Hirers of Redmarley Village Hall
Car Park Lighting
IMPORTANT The person opening the hall will need to switch on the car park lighting by pressing the button on the switch at the top left of the disabled toilet door. The red light will go on and the outside lights will be operated by the sensor for all of your hire period. They will switch off automatically after you have left.
Other Users
You may find that other people are using another part of the hall at the same time as you. Please co-operate with each other in ensuring that these rules of use are followed.
The heating is programmed to warm up the hall in time for your period of hire. The corridors and kitchen will be heated and the Main Hall or Ian Smith room as appropriate.
If it gets too hot or too cold, DO NOT adjust the radiator valves. You can use the wall thermostats in the Main Hall or Ian Smith Room to increase or reduce the target temperature: press the “down” arrow button – display flashes for 2 seconds and shows current target setting – use up or down arrows to change target temperature
The Main Hall is a large room and if, on cold days, the radiators cannot manage to bring the room to a comfortable temperature, you may need to supplement it with the electric radiant heaters. The ceiling fans are designed not for cooling but for pushing the heat down from the apex of the hall roof.
Hot Water
The hot water is programmed to be on while you are there. If the water is cold, follow the instructions on the wall in the cleaner’s cupboard (room 3 marked “Cloakroom”) to switch on. Key 3 is on key rack in the kitchen.
In case of any difficulties with the central heating or hot water, please ring 07 860 935 864 (Peter Condon).
Tables & chairs are located in the store/bar next to the Main Hall and the door off the corridor by the hooks. After use, please ensure the tables are stacked table top to table top. Also, the chairs must be stacked to a maximum of 8 chairs and ensuring the legs line up. Only the red chairs may be used for Children’s Parties or events involving Children.
Please bring your own TEA TOWELS. The kitchen must be left in a clean condition, as you found it. You may use the refrigerator during your period of hire but do not leave any surplus food or drink in it. Please take all rubbish away with you.
You must leave the hall ready for the next user
i) Check that all rooms are clean and swept if necessary. Key 3 (on key rack in kitchen) opens the cleaner’s cupboard (marked “Cloakroom”)
ii) Please vacuum all areas used for the period of hire
iii) Please ensure all kitchen items are returned to their allotted place and that all glasses are returned to the boxes they came from
iv) Check that all lights are off
v) Check kitchen door to outside is locked and all windows closed
vi) Please return the keys after locking up the hall and report any maintenance issues or breakages
Pay Bar & Tea Lights
i) If your event has a pay bar, you must have an alcohol licence and you must notify the Village Hall in advance of the details.
ii) If you are planning to use naked flames (e.g. tea lights or candles) you must notify the Village Hall in advance and ensure that they are housed in approved containers (e.g. within a glass jar), monitored and extinguished before leaving the hall.
Front door fire exit
IMPORTANT The front door should be left open during the hire as it is a fire exit. If you need to lock it for security reasons, you must ensure that the key is left in the lock on the inside.
Please ensure that you are familiar with the location of the fire exits.
If you need to call the emergency services, the hall’s location is : Postcode: GL19 3HS Sat Nav: 51.978077, -2.362073 What3Words: homelands.scaffold.beard |