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We are a parish in the Leadon Vale Benefice. Click here for the Benefice website and details of services.

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The church family

in Redmarley is a small and prayerful group of people, dedicated and hard working and looking to spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the village and beyond. We enjoy a good response for special services, social and fundraising events. There is a service each Sunday and this may be at St. Bartholomew’s or we join with the congregations of other parishes in the benefice.

We enjoy meeting together for fund raising and other social activities.

Our ministry team  here

Our churchwardens here


Our safeguarding officer is Miriam Simpson Moran  07 805 977 156    simpsonmoran@hotmail.co.uk

Our safeguarding policy can be seen here

The Diocesan Safeguarding Officer is Becca Faal, 07 401 197 280, beccafaal@glosdioc.org.uk.   More details can be found at https://gloucester.anglican.org/about-us/safeguarding/

Find us

Address:  The Causeway, Redmarley, Gloucester    GL19 3HS
Location: The church is located in the centre of the village, please click here for map (arrow points to exact location of church on the Causeway).

Facilities – click here

Keys to the church

The church is usually open from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. If you find it locked, please phone Anne Rogers 01531 650078 or 07 773 086 479


All enquiries relating to St Bartholomew’s Redmarley  i.e. about Weddings, Baptisms or Funerals should go to the Churchwarden

Church Fabric

St Bartholomew’s tower has been removed from the English Heritage “At risk” register following a successful three years of fund-raising by Redmarley Church Heritage Society.

Other information

Click here for further information