Feed on

Women’s Fellowship

Meetings:     3rd Wednesday of the month

Venue:    Redmarley Village Hall,  2.00pm

Monthly subscription: £2.00

Visitors:  £3.00 (includes refreshments)

Programme for 2024:

17th January Members meeting
21st February Lindsay Johnson ‘Strong and Steady’
20th March Alexandra Stanbrook ‘Fantastic Hats’
17th April Jim Large
15th May James Cooper ‘The Power of the Logo’
19th June Outing
17th July Garden Party
18th September Monica Farthing ‘National Star Centre’
16th October Jenny Payne ‘Craft’
20th November AGM & Bring & Buy
18th December Christmas meal


Position Name Telephone
Chairperson Joanne Thomas

01531 650284

07752 208904

Secretary Sandra Bishop 01531 890651
Treasurer Glenis Coates 01531 650409
Programme Secretary Sandra Bishop 01531 890651